Simple. Effective. Customized.

Do you want to see progressive improvement in what your body can do for you?

Do you want a structured plan with an experienced and knowledgeable accountability partner that will motivate you to achieve your fitness goals?

I will tempt you out of your comfort zone, keep your focus on your goals, and be your biggest cheerleader. On the days when things don’t go as well as planned, we’ll remember our goals and how far you’ve come on your journey to be healthy, and then we’ll get right back up, and in no time we’ll be celebrating your successes. If you are prepared to own your goals and commit some time, sweat (and inevitably) a few tears, you will be successful.

I want you to know how good it feels to take care of your body and to learn to appreciate what it can do for you.  Sign up for one of my customizable programs, and we’ll get started on creating the healthy life you want.


At BitterSweet Fitness, I stand behind my work. I’m confident that you will love the results you see in your body from working with me. If you attend all scheduled sessions, follow my nutrition guidelines for the first 90 days, and are not getting results aligned with your goals, I will provide a no-questions asked full full refund. No questions asked, we will simply part as friends.